Policy Documents

The following documents are key club documents that we suggest you take the time to read.

Child Safety Statement

The Children First Act, which was signed into law in December 2015, has a number of implications for Canoeing Ireland Clubs and Committees. The most significant of these is the requirement for organisations to conduct a risk assessment and generate a Child Safeguarding Statement.  Sligo Kayak Club’s child safety statement is available through the link below.

Note: In line with the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012-2016 and Canoeing Ireland’s Child Protection Policy all Sligo Kayak Club committee members and instructors are Garda vetted and have completed Children First training.

Club Documents

The Sligo Kayak Club operational document will give you an overview of the operation of the club and includes our Code of Conduct and Safety Policy among other useful and important information.

The club Safety Framework outlines the club’s strategy for risk identification and mitigation.

The Sligo Kayak Club membership manual is packed full of important information about joining the club.


Sligo Kayak Club have adopted a biosecurity policy to educate members on the threat posed by invasive non-native species and diseases and to define the control measures put in place by SKC to prevent the introduction or spread of such diseases and alien invasive species. All club members are advised to acquaint themselves with the policy and control measures therein.


Canoeing Ireland: GDPR and you.